Saturday 23 April 2011

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

The song we used 'Misguided Ghosts' is by a band Paramore and their music is typically rock/punk. This song is more of a slow, acoustic track still with rock elements.
For the video I filmed in the woods because I knew it would be spacious and quite dark. I decided to film there because I interpreted the song as if the girl is lost and lonely and she is wandering trying to figure things out. The woods and other haunting places are typical of a rock video. Some of the video is also in black and white and I have used other effects such as 'ghosting' to add a haunted and lost feeling to the characters emotions.

The CD pack as part of the ancillary task I believe combines effectively with the video itself.

As you can see here I have used a shot from the video itself as the album cover therefore it makes it relatable and seem as if it is all part of one advertising campaign like most artists do. I have then used a photograph that we took ourselves as part of the planning as the back cover because it gives a spooky and dark effect. Furthermore I have used black white and red colouring for all the font and Century Gothic. I have chosen those colours because that is what typically relates to rock music, if you look at Kerrang! magazine they predominately use black and white. I have chosen century gothic font because of the way it is shaped and it looks like someone's handwriting too, which in the video we have the actor write some of the lyrics on a piece of paper again linking the ancillary with the main product.

The CD itself links to the main product - the music video. This is because I have used the shot of the main actor walking into the tunnel from the video. I believe using shots from the video for the ancillary tasks makes the whole product look better because there are continuing themes rather than the group/singer wearing different outfits in completely different places that have little to do with the song itself. Furthermore I have again continued with the colours black and red again for the same reasons as the CD cover and for continuity so each ancillary task is not different and everything flows well.

I have used century gothic and red and black for the poster so again there is continuity. For the poster I have used three different shots from the music video to avoid repition of the CD and CD cover. I have used two with the actor in and one with words written on paper floating on the water because with these words it should attract fans as this song may relate to how they feel so if they saw that they would want to buy it. This ancillary task is linked to the main product, the music video because I have again used shots from the video in the advertisement

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