Saturday 23 April 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Firstly I referred back to my questionnaire results when thinking of ideas for my video and for my ancillary tasks, I made sure I asked questions that related to the final video.
One of the most important questions I asked was whether they preferred a narrative based music video or performance based, or both combined. The overall results were both combined but I ended up choosing to make a narrative based video, which was the second best result. I chose this because the quality would be not that fantastic if I had acting scenes because of money contrainsts with equipment.
When asked what genre of music was their favourite the most popular result was rock music which then made me decide that a rock song would be best sutied and I would be able to create a good video, furthermore Paramore were one of the most popular artists when I asked the question of what band was their favourite, which even more made me decide that to use their song would be good.

I got help from the teacher, my group partner and the actors in the video for different ideas so that I could create the best video possible. I had their feedback on ideas and then I took into account any of their ideas, particularly when filming in the woods, the two actors helped me find the perfect locations and helped me create the best shot and angle it and we replayed it back when filming and decided whether it was good or not.

When I first uploaded the video onto youtube I encountered a problem because the audio from when it was filmed was still playing in the background, such as the actors talking and the noises of the wind and birds. Obvious feedback from my teacher and me myself I had to edit out all of them sounds so all that the viewer could hear would be the song itself. I did this and it was much better and it is called 'The Final Video 2'

 These are some of the comments off of the video itself that I got people to do for me:

All of them have told me that the video is generally good, however things such as the same setting throughout and the costume of the main character could be things to improve on, however due to time constraints and working around the actors it was too difficult to film big chunks of the video over again. However the positives are the editing that I did to the video and furthermore the way that the lyrics matched the video storyline which is something I really aimed to do.

For the ancillary tasks the feedback was generally positive, I got feedback that I should include shots from the video on the front cover of the CD and the advertisements because then it links the two tasks together. I was told they were good because they stuck to all the things that are typically on CDs and posters and featured all the right attributes. Furthermore the colour scheme was praised because it is the same on all the tasks and it matches that genre of music.

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