Tuesday 12 April 2011

Final Poster - Tour Poster

This is an attempt at a tour poster. I have decided to call the fictional band 'Marilyn' because many artists and bands are inspired by movie actors that they have their stage names after them. I think it is best to create our own fictional band rather than use Paramore just because we're using their song. Creating our own band and brand and name is better because we are able to create our own ideas rather than being influenced by what Paramore have already and instead just researching what they have done and be slightly influenced by it.
I have again stuck to the theme of black and red writing because it matches target audience and is similar to the genre of music, the magazine Kerrang is the best example because they are a rock magazine and use the colours black and white mostly. I have then put the bands name in big at the top and all of the tour dates at the bottom because this is similar to some of the tour posters I looked at during my research. In the background I have chosen to use a picture from the front of the newspaper saying 'Marilyn Dead' with a picture of Marilyn Monroe underneath, I have done this rather than use my own image because using the pictures of the woods would not properly represent a band. The image is well known and something that has gone down in history and using the front of newspaper for album covers or posters has been used by bands in the past and I have been influenced by them, I believe it looks good because it is advertising the band and clearly showing who they were influenced by.

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