Tuesday 29 March 2011

Research of logos

These are logos of two female singers and because our song is sung by a woman I have decided to research what solo singers logo's would be like as well as just band logos. They have used their stage names in fonts that are easily recognisable and easy to read so that they are noticed by people immediately. Katy Perry uses pink bubble writing with hearts and stars, the bright colours and girly font represents her personality and music. Ke$ha has used glitter font with the colour gold which also matches many lyrics to her songs and displays her party themed music and personality. They are both good logos because they represent the singers perfectly and are not trying to be something completely opposite; this is something that could be taken into account when I create a logo.

This is Paramore's logo that is used for most things including CD covers, advertisements and posters. It is in a simple black and white with the colours varying to match the other things on the posters etc. The colours match their type of music as normally the colours black and white are associated with rock music, the rock magazine Kerrang! is the best example because that uses black and white on its cover. It is basic but can catch attention and the name of the band themselves would grasp attention.

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